Updating a Journey for my team (Your People)

Navigating to 'Your People' provides you with a space to help nurture your team's growth. It serves as a central hub for steering their career paths, facilitating regular discussions on their performance, development, and future.

Stay informed: The 'Team Activity' box at the top of the page keeps you updated. It notifies you about pending tasks or when a team member has submitted an update. Furthermore, you'll receive notifications via email or Yapster (if you're using it) for these activities.

Direct reports snapshot: Within this section, you'll discover a list of your direct reports, along with an overview of their journey progress. If you need to engage in conversations or make updates, this area serves as your focal point. It encompasses tasks like Induction and Exit Journeys.

Journey history review: For each direct report, a history icon provides access to their Journey history. This will show completed Journeys, catch-ups, and any conversations you've had or planned.

Please note that this page is dedicated to your direct reports. For individuals indirectly managed, meaning those managed by your own team members, you should utilise the 'Reports' section to access relevant data.

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