Tracking Journey completion

If you are an admin user or a manager with direct (or indirect) reports, you have the ability to track usage and view completion stats for any Journeys,

To access the Usage report, Click 'Analytics' and then 'Usage' on the left-hand menu. 

You can then use the filters to select the Journey(s) and Date range you'd like to track usage for. Any Induction or Exit Journeys will appear at the bottom of the list. 

You can select multiple Journeys at once to track usage; this is useful for looking at the whole Induction period for a group of users. 

Once you've selected your Journey and date range, click 'Apply filters' which will provide you with an overview of usage. 

As well as the Usage Summary, you can switch to a detailed view by clicking the 'Data' icon. This will provide details of who has been sent a specific Journey, and what the status of it is.

When tracking usage, there are different statuses to consider:

  • Expired = people who were once assigned this Journey, but did nothing with it
  • Not Started = people assigned this Journey, though yet to start it 
  • Partially Complete = people who have started answering questions for this Journey, but haven't submitted it yet
  • Waiting For Employee = people whose Journey is awaiting them to take the next step (e.g. to approve their manager's edits)
  • Waiting For Manager = people whose Journey is awaiting their manager to take the next step (e.g. the manager needs to approve the edits)
  • Completed = people who have fully completed this Journey

To download an Excel export of the usage report, click the arrow icon next to the Usage Summary heading:

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