Adding new users

By following these steps, you'll successfully add a new user to your system. Remember that you'll need admin access to do this.

Adding a new user to your system can vary depending on whether you have a third-party data integration with systems like Fourth, Harri, EPS, Azure, or similar. If you do have such an integration, it's recommended to add the user into that external system.

  1. Log in: Start by logging into your system using your admin credentials.
  2. Access the 'Admin' section: Once logged in, navigate to the 'Admin' section. You can find this in the left menu bar.

    Manage your people: Within the 'Admin' section, locate and click on the option labelled 'Admin: People.' This option is usually positioned in the top-right corner. This is the area where you can manage users.

    Add new user: On the 'Manage Your People' page, you'll see a button labelled '+ New User.' Click on this button to begin the process of adding a new user.

    Enter user details: You will be presented with a form to enter the new user's information. This will include the following details:

    • Full name
    • Date of birth
    • Hire date
    • Email address
  3. Welcome email option: You'll have the choice to send a welcome email to the new user. This email includes their username and a link to the login page. If you wish to send this email, make sure to check the relevant checkbox.
  4. Top level manager (if applicable): If the new user is a 'Top Level Manager' (meaning they do not report to anyone else), select this option.
  5. Save the user: After entering the user's information, click the 'Save' button to add the new user to the system.
  6. Review employee details: After saving, you'll be directed to the 'Employee details' page for the new user. Here, you need to administer further user details, such as:
    • Assigning a manager
    • Specifying location
    • Defining job title
    • Setting appraisal level
  7. Set correct status: It's important to set the correct status for the employee. If you want them to receive Induction Journeys, make sure their status is set to 'Induction.' By default, it will be set to 'Active,' so remember to change it to 'Induction' if needed. This status will determine the induction sending based on the hire date you've provided.
  8. Finalise the new user: Once you've entered and reviewed all necessary information, click the 'Save' button at the bottom of the 'Employee details' page. This action will finalise the addition of the new user.

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